The Challenge of Obtaining Continence in a Child With a Neurogenic Bowel Disorder
By: Anne Jinbo Ph.D., APRN-RN, MPH, CWOCN, CPNP, Hawaii Wound, Ostomy and Continence Services, Honolulu,
Fecal incontinence in pediatrics can occur from an array of conditions. A challenging group of pediatric patients is those with a neurogenic bowel disorder who can face a lifelong struggle with attaining and maintaining continence. It is difficult to develop a “cookbook approach” to care, particularly because these children’s unique physical needs change as they develop. In addition to addressing physical needs, children’s emotional and developmental needs must also be incorporated into the plan of care.
This article provides an overview of the common congenital conditions in children with a neurogenic bowel, reviews assessment, and addresses treatment options that should be considered when developing a bowel management program.
Source: Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing: November-December 2004 – Volume 31 – Issue 6 – p 336-350